Welcome to the EU-LAC Matching Platform!
This is the EU-LAC Digital Accelerator's online tool connecting corporates and startups from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean to foster business collaboration.

- Register and complete your corporate profile.
- Publish your digital challenges.
- Filter and select relevant solutions proposed by startups.
- Connect and develop new partnerships.

- Register and complete your technological offer.
- Filter and select interesting challenges from corporates.
- Propose solutions to meet the challenges.
- Connect and develop new partnerships.

- Register and access to a selected deal flow of investment opportunities
- Raise your profile by joining a prestigious platform and enrich your acceleration services
- Provide your associates with visibility to collaborate with international partners.
- Wield influence and multiply the impact of public innovation programs and initiatives.
About us
The EU-LAC Digital Accelerator works as a multi-sided platform that connects digital challenges from large corporations with solutions from startups and innovative SMEs, and supports established partnerships by providing tailored acceleration services valued up to 40.000 €, through our Open Calls.

Contact us!
Please do not hesitate to contact the EU-LAC team at https://eulacdigitalaccelerator.com/about/#contact